Heaven’s GPS

Heaven’s GPS (Matthew 2:9-11)

But for the GPS, vehicular mobility would have been highly restricted. People would easily give up trips because of the difficulty of finding locations. Sometimes I cannot but wonder how those of us who live in the city survived without it. I remember missing roads a number of times and having to go several kilometers before finding ramps through which to turn back. And, how about inter-city travels? We had to keep asking for directions along the way because, as helpful as the road signs were, you had to get confused in some places. How did we survive?
Well, thank God for the invention of the GPS; now we are able to travel several thousands of kilometers away from home and not be scared of getting lost along the way, or, at least, so we feel. Of course, any invention by man cannot be perfect. There are always things that man hasn’t thought of until devices fail and corrections are made. As near-perfect as the aircraft is, we still have malfunctioning that leave investigators wondering how. I cannot forget the day I drove in a foreign country with a GPS to lead me to a hotel destination and the GPS got to a location in the bush and said “arriving at destination.” I looked left and right and there was no sign of life so I kept driving until I found people who directed me to the hotel. Man has tried, but s/he is not perfect.

There is nothing that scientists can design that God does not know or has not used before. Talk of surgery, God performed the very first one in Genesis. Talk of drones that have now become the weapons of war, God rained hailstones to kill enemies of His children in those days and the stones never missed their targets. Talk of GPS, God used His own GPS to direct the wise men from the east to Bethlehem and the exact location of the birthplace of Jesus. The wise men saw a star and knew that the Messiah had been born. To find the birthplace, they simply followed the star until it stopped over the manger where Christ was born. The star didn’t take them to the bush and stop. They didn’t need to stop on the way to ask for directions. They didn’t have to get lost and travel a long distance before they could find a ramp to turn back. They simply followed the star until they arrived their destination.
Oh, how wonderful will it be if we could all follow God’s directions? He has never been known to mislead anyone. Those who won battles in the Bible always asked God before going to those battles. The most perfect recipe to losing battles is going without God. The arm of flesh will always fail us. God guided Israel on their journey from Egypt with the pillar of cloud during the day and the pillar of fire during the night. God is always willing to guide us with His GPS; if only we can follow Him, we will always avoid the senseless troubles that we sometimes get ourselves into.
In Psalm 119 verse 105, the Bible says “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” David understood and obeyed God so much that God referred to him as a man after His heart. God is capable of guiding us to all our destinations without stress, if only we would follow His instructions. When last did you read the Bible? Are you familiar with His laws? When last did you pray and wait in Him for His response? Are you always in a hurry to move? Are you always relying on your own knowledge and wisdom to guide you to your destinations? God is the only One that can run through life’s paths without missing a step. Follow His GPS from today and your journeys will become effortless.
God bless you!

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