When God Shakes Things

When God Shakes Things (Haggai 2:20-23)

When a raffle box is shaken together, no pattern is formed. The only intention is that entries in the box shift positions so it does not look as if the entries were pre-arranged to make a particular entry win the draw. The raffle drawer puts his or her hand in the box and whatever entry the fingers pick is the winning entry. This is a random activity where luck rules, or, if God’s hand is in it, the blessed wins. However, when God shakes things, random results have no chance in the outcome. The result is known from the beginning. Take for instance when God shook the kingdom of Babylon; He had a particular result in mind –to promote His children. All God needed to do was give dreams to the kings that none of the magicians could interpret, and then He gave the meanings to Daniel. With this, the kings had no choice than to elevate Daniel to the top. God did not stop there; He allowed the devil to instigate jealousy in the hearts of other officials of the kings so they cooked up false accusations against Daniel until he was put in the den of lions. When God proved His supremacy by not allowing the lions to harm Daniel, all his enemies were doomed for destruction.

In Haggai chapter 2 verses 21 –23, God spoke to prophet Haggai: “Tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that I will shake the heavens and the earth. I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms. I will overthrow chariots and their drivers; horses and their riders will fall, each by the sword of his brother. On that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” What does it mean to be a signet? It means that you are God’s seal, so whatever you decree is final. How sweet would it be that in your country you see something going the wrong direction and you decree a reversal and it happens! How marvelous would it be that in your bedroom you are able to control the politicians? How great would it be that you are able to turn the fortunes of your generation around just by making pronouncements?

But, guess what: God wants to use us in the same capacity. First, He is set to shake things so positions will shift and He will put His children in charge. Don’t worry if you are currently struggling. Don’t be sorrowful if you are currently being oppressed. Don’t give up if things are currently rough for you. Don’t bother if the whole world is currently manipulating their ways around you. Remember when God decided to shake Egypt for Joseph? Even his former slave master became his subordinate as he was catapulted from prisoner to prime minister. It doesn’t matter how lowly placed you are currently, you will rule tomorrow! Just continue to be obedient to Him and in the service you are delivering. When God decides to shake things for you, even the gates of hell cannot stop you.

Do not nurse the feeling that God has forgotten you. Joseph probably nursed the same feeling when it seemed that all hope was lost in the prison but God soon proved that He never forgets. The Almighty has not forgotten you. The right time is near for your redemption so you must wake up every morning and expect it to come during the day. God is set to shake that office; He is set to shake that business; He has scheduled a shaking in your current location and when He does, positions must change. Forget the former things because He is set to do a new thing. You are ripe to experience a life changer that will change your class forever! Keep watching, for God’s promises are set to land at your doorstep. By the time He is done, even the world around you will be caught unawares. Have a great week and may God bless you all!

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